Services for
Veteran Families
Promoting housing stability for Veteran families in Texas.
Serving Veterans and Their Families
We help veterans and their families resolve your immediate housing needs and achieve stable housing for the long-term.
We offer the following services:
- Case Management
- Connection to VA Benefits and Programs
- Connection to Public Benefits and Mainstream Community Resources
- Legal Services
- Transportation Services
- Health Care Navigation
- Childcare Services
- Housing Navigation Services
- Emergency Housing Assistance
- Rental and Utility Assistance
- Enhanced Financial Assistance
- Resources to Secure Permanent Housing
- Miscellaneous Move-In Costs
Eligibility Requirements
Who qualifies for the program?
Veterans; or members of a family in which the head of household, or the spouse of the head of household, is a Veteran. The head of the household should be identified.
To become a participant household under the SSVF Program, you must also meet the following conditions:
1. Your household income is at or below 80% of the area median income (AMI).
2. You are at risk of becoming homeless or are currently experiencing homelessness.
Contact Information
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)
Call (888) 243-1270 to apply for the SSVF Program.