
Early Childhood

A Head Start on Life.

Early Childhood Development

CPLC's Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs are committed to giving every child, regardless of circumstances at birth, an opportunity to succeed in school and life.

A child’s brain develops more during the first five years than at any other time in life. Research indicates that a child’s experiences during these formative years have a lasting impact on their ability to learn and succeed. CPLC’s ECD Head Start programs provide comprehensive, developmentally appropriate early childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to low-income children and their families in safe, nurturing and supportive environments which successfully address each child’s total learning experience.

Head Start

Provides full-day early childhood development services to low-income children, ages 3-5 years, and their families in educationally-stimulating learning environments.

Arizona Annual Report

Texas / New Mexico Annual Report

Migrant & Seasonal Head Start

Provides full-day, full-year program services to children, ages 0-5 years, of agriculture working families.

Early Head Start

Provides full-day, full-year early childhood development services to low income children, ages 0-3 years, and their families in educationally-stimulating learning environments.

Contact Information


Intake/Admissions: (928) 250-6085

Arizona Directory


Intake/Admissions: (719) 420-0125

Colorado Directory

Texas & New Mexico

Intake/Admissions: 1-833-630-0561

Texas & NM Directory

They were so nice and helped with so many more things than I thought.

  • Anna, Program Participant

Mejor Juntos: Together we heal

In May of 2022, 19 children and two teachers were murdered at Robb Elementary School.

The shooting left the small town of Uvalde, TX in disbelief, despair, and grief. After something so traumatic, it’s difficult to know how to move forward. How to heal.

Just a few blocks from the school, CPLC operates a Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Center that has been serving Uvalde for more than 20 years. Some of our former students were among the victims. Many of our students and staff had family in the school during the tragedy.

Our small team at this center committed themselves to doing what they could to help their community heal during this impossible time.

Immediately after the tragedy, our staff reached out to the families of survivors and the parents of our former students whose lives were robbed. We offered food pantries, mental health resources, and a shoulder to cry on.

We have shared meals and tears together. We have checked in and supported where we could. We have shown up. We have made space.

We invite you to learn from our staff, parents, and students about our continued commitment to make a difference in their lives during a difficult time. Today, we would like to share their story with you.

Will you care to listen?

Watch the Documentary
We provided direct services to

families in Arizona last year.

We provided direct services to

families in Texas last year

We provided direct services to

families in New Mexico last year

This website is supported by Grants from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Chicanos Por La Causa and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.