Health & Human Services


Empowering Minds to Transform Lives.

Diverse Behavioral Health Services at Centro De La Familia, Centro Esperanza & Thrive. 


Centro de la Familia

We offer outpatient behavioral health services for families and individuals of all ages, including those living with serious mental illness (SMI), general mental health issues, and substance abuse issues. Outpatient services offer flexible office hours and home-based services for children and their families, public transit accessibility, and therapy in English and Spanish. 

Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG) and Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG) funding is available for substance abuse services at Centro De La Familia. 

Centro Esperanza

CPLC Centro Esperanza offers specialized services for Serious Mental Illness (SMI) populations focusing on case management and psychiatric services. 

Florence Crittenton

Florence Crittenton is dedicated to empowering at-risk girls and young women through a comprehensive range of services. From residential programs like the Therapeutic Group Home and Girls Ranch to community-based outpatient care, we provide trauma-informed support tailored to individual needs. Our programs include therapy, education, leadership development, and life skills training.



We empower low-income kids, adults, and domestic abuse victims to overcome barriers and significant life challenges through community-responsive, comprehensive mental health, psychiatric, and case management services. 

In Spanish, Amanecer roughly translates to “New Beginning”. We use that phrase to describe the meaningful differences our clients see in their lives after treatment. Since 1975, we have provided hundreds of thousands of New Beginnings. 

Contact Information

CPLC Centro de la Familia 

Located at the CPLC Maryvale Community Service Center 

6850 W Indian School Rd 
Phoenix, AZ 85033 

(623) 247-0464 

CPLC Centro Esperanza

325 N Stapley Dr. 
Mesa, AZ 85203 

(480) 615-3800 

Florence Crittenton

715 West Mariposa Street
Phoenix, AZ 85013

(602) 274-7318


1200 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: (213) 481-7464
Fax: (213) 283-0556
Email: info@amanecerla.org

3680 E Imperial Highway, Suite 480
Lynwood, CA 90262
Phone: (213) 328-0274
Fax: (213) 784-9903
Email: emreyes@amanecerla.org

"Centro de La Familia’s behavioral health services have truly been transformative for me. Their support has helped me navigate challenges and find emotional well-being."

Rachel, Program Participant

CARF Accreditation 

CPLC Centro de la Familia and Centro Esperanza have been accredited by CARF since 2011 and are currently accredited in the following services: 

Centro de la Familia 

  • Outpatient Treatment - Integrated: SUD/Mental Health - Children and Adolescents 
  • Outpatient Treatment - Integrated: SUD/Mental Health - Adults 

Centro Esperanza 

  • Outpatient Treatment - Integrated: SUD/Mental Health - Adults 

Florence Crittenton

  • Outpatient Treatment - Integrated: SUD/Mental Health - Children & Adolescents
  • Residential Treatment - Mental Health - Children & Adolescents

Our accreditation is a public commitment that we strive to: 

  • Involve persons served and their families in their service planning. 
  • Respect individual cultural preferences. 
  • Be accountable to our funding sources, referral agencies, and the community at large. 
  • Address health and safety concerns, such as building safety and emergency preparedness. 
  • Maintain management practices that are efficient, cost-effective, and based on outcomes and consumer satisfaction. 

For more information about CARF International, the standards, or the survey process, visit www.carf.org

Our services are available in both English and Spanish on site, and we provide interpretation services for all other languages. We also provide printed materials in the client's preferred language.

We directly serve


every year

Our clients report


with our services