Welcome to Uvalde, TX

Letter from Francesca Brown

Regional Operations Manager for CPLC ECD Texas

Uvalde is the kind of town where you know everybody.

With three grocery stores, one Catholic church, and a population of just 15 thousand, you see a lot of familiar faces.

The museum and neighborhood parks make it the dream location for families to live in. For their kids to play. To watch them learn and grow.

Until it wasn’t.

It’s almost been a year since the tragedy that shook our town. But it feels like it was just yesterday. Like the 19 students and 2 teachers were just murdered.

The wounds are still bleeding.

But our Uvalde Early Childhood Development Migrant/Seasonal Head Start Center never left our families and children. We have been tending each other’s wounds and helping one another heal. Together. Because it’s what we know best.

There’s a special story I want to tell you.

I want to tell you the story of our Center. But it’s not just one story.

It’s the story of the parents who feared sending their kids back to school, of the teachers who still remember the faces of the children they once cared for and taught, and of the young students who will never be able to forget what they lived through that day.

Will you care to listen?


Francesca Brown

Watch the documentary